Monday, November 9, 2009

Atlanta Down, Denver Next!

Needless to say, the Redskins-Falcons game was a tale of two half’s. The funny thing is, I recognized both Redskins teams from each half. We are either clicking on all cylinders or totally embarrassing ourselves. And in the 1st half of Sunday’s game, we were embarrassing ourselves. But something happened in the 2nd half, we woke up.

I am not one to think you can just insert players and expect things to turn around. It doesn’t work that way people. It never does. You had better have a stable structure in place or your new parts are going to pick up old habits. We can fire Coach Jim Zorn, and we can let Jason Campbell go, but are those the best options for a team, an organization, or a fanbase that is wants to win now? Are people willing to be patient to wait for a team to turn it around? See the fans all think that they have the answer(s), but if we make any drastic changes, it will not equal a Super Bowl win people.

I would like some of the people who think that Jason Campbell is not good, to get under center themselves. That would be very interesting. The fact of the matter is I think Dan Snyder listens to the fans too much in my opinion. Everyone wants to win now, our owner makes the drastic moves that he thinks will equal Championships, and when it doesn’t work out, which is not a surprise, people start saying that Snyder doesn’t know what he’s doing. He may not be a football guy, and he may have a friendship with Vinny Cerrato that needs to be evaluated along with Cerrato’s job, but Snyder has done things that show me he wants to win now. The problem is someone needs to explain to him that you build through the NFL Draft and with the right Free Agents. I have heard every dumb statement under the sun. Here are some of the dumbest things that I have heard:

Jason Campbell is not an NFL Quarterback.

Todd Collins needs to start.

Clinton Portis has lost a step.

Santana Moss is a #2 or #3 Wide Reciever.

We need to start Colt Brennan.

LaRon Landry is worthless.

Marko Mitchell needs to start.

We spent too much money on Albert Haynesworth.

We need to bring back Mark Brunell.

We need to get rid of DeAngelo Hall, Fred Smoot and Carlos Rogers.

To steal a line from Chad Ochocinco, “Child please!!”

Anyway, I don’t want to spend too much time talking about nonsense. I wanted to give my opinion on the Denver Broncos game. And I wanted to start with a guy that everyone ran me down about but he has the Broncos clicking on all cylinders on Offense, and that is Kyle Orton. Do you believe me now that Orton can play at the NFL level? It helps every Quarterback in the NFL to have a game changing player at Wide Receiver. And boy do they have a scary Wide Reciever in Brandon “The Beast” Marshall. But we need to keep in mind that they have two other good Recievers in Jabar Gaffney and a guy the “experts” said was not that good, Eddie Royal. To me Eddie Royal is the perfect #2 Wide Receiver. He runs good routes, has sure hands and is faster than “they” said he was. They also have two good backs in Correll Buckhalter and Knowshon Moreno. But what really scares me about the Broncos is that Defense. With all due respect to Brian Dawkins and Champ Bailey, the guy on that Defense that should have everyone worried is Elvis Dumervil. At 5’11” 248, “they” said that he was too small to play Defensive End, but he is perfect in a 3-4 Defense as an Outside Linebacker. Boy were the experts right!! He is 2nd in the NFL for sacks (10) only to Jared Allen (10.5). To make a long story short, they are going to give the Redskins problems, but there is a chance to win this game.

The Redskins have to do exactly what they did in the 2nd half of the Falcons game. We have to have a ball controlled attack on Offense. Chew up some clock and keep that potent Denver Offense off of the field. The problem is, that Denver Defense is very good at creating turnovers, so don’t expect any deep passes from Jason Campbell. You need pass protection to allow those plays to develop downfield. And I don’t know if you have been watching, but our line is not good at pass protection. We have to take a conservative approach to give ourselves a chance to win, especially considering that Clinton Portis, more than likely, will not play. I hate to admit this, but even from the beginning of the season, I didn’t have us winning this game. My prediction is

Denver 20, Washington 14.

Sorry fellas. I still love you though.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent perspective, fresh, informative and unbiased. The Washington Post should truly research your journalistic approach to our team "Washington Redskins" as well as our opponents. Move over Michael Wilbon your stale comments are tired, lame and one sided. Give us a break.
