Thursday, September 30, 2010

Do We Panic Now??!!

Last weeks game against the Houston Texans was hard enough to watch. After blowing a 17-point lead and losing in Overtime, I couldn’t find the words to write a blog last week. But this Sunday’s loss to the Rams hurt just a bit more. I think everyone bought into the hype that the Rams were not good. What game(s) were you people watching? I saw all sorts of trouble from the Rams and some of them manifested themselves this Sunday. I can’t understand for the life of me how anyone can assume any NFL is not good. Even the worse teams in the NFL have great players on them. And I saw one this Sunday that impressed me again. One Sam Bradford is better than Matt Stafford like I thought last year and he proved it this Sunday. But it only magnified an issue that the Redskins have to deal with. A lack of a pass rush from the Defensive line.

Never mind the fact that the Redskins found themselves in a 14-point hole within 5 minutes of play. They fought back, but left points on the field. There were 2 drives that ended inside the Rams 10-yard line that the Redskins only came away with 6 points. This has happened every game this season. Sure one game resulted in a win, but even that game it almost cost them in the end. We all have to remember that the new scheme does take time to pick up. You don’t just switch to a 3-4 Defense and expect to take over the world. If it were that easy, everyone would switch to the 3-4 Defense. You have to have the right personnel to run that scheme. There are only a handful of teams that run it, and fewer run it well. Maybe the Redskins will be one of those teams, but right now, the Defense is average at best. Not for lack of talent, but for lack of chemistry. This is the pressing issue on both sides of the ball, but Defense concerns me a bit more. If we can’t stop the other team, it is pointless to have a potent offense. The problem can be solved up front.

Albert Haynesworth was given spot duty. Why is our best pass rusher not being given more snaps? I really hope that it has something to do with Haynesworth not being up to speed. Because, without a pass rush, Mardy Gilyard and Brandon Gibson are the least of the Redskins problems. The Rams played most of the game without their top Running Back Steven Jackson, so there was almost no threat of a running game. The Redskins challenged the Rookie Sam Bradford to beat them throwing and that is exactly what he did. It was reminiscent of last weeks loss to the Houston Texans. The Redskins actually worked to take Arian Foster out of the game, and the Man Beast Andre Johnson went bananas. I expect Andre Johnson to do that, I don’t expect Mardy Gilyard and Brandon Gibson to give us problems at this stage of their careers. To add insult to injury, Donnie Avery, the Rams top receiver is out for the season with a knee injury. Imagine if Avery had played Sunday. You can cure a lot of the problems on Defense by swallowing your pride and putting Albert Haynesworth in the starting lineup. Hello!!! Are you listening Coach Shanahan?!!

The problems continue on Offense as the ground attack started well, but the Redskins got away from it. Clinton Portis is due for a break out game and I expect it to come next week against Philadelphia. McNabb cannot get rolling like he wants to if we don’t establish a ground game. PERIOD!! It should be apparent as Donovan McNabb threw for over 400 yards last week and in a losing effort. In that exact same game, Clinton Portis had 33 yards rushing. What is wrong with this picture? Your ground game eats up some clock and wears down the other team. The Redskins are not a pure West Coast Offensive team. We do not have the personnel for it. They have to find a middle ground that will allow for running game to be worked and take some of the pressure off of McNabb. Otherwise, they will be 1-3 in a flash.
Is it too early to press the panic button? Yes. Should your finger be on the button in the ready position… YES. I didn’t imagine a scenario where the Redskins would be 1-2 and that win would be against Dallas. Some weird things have been going on. Philadelphia has a young guy at Quaterback that reminds me of a guy I once saw in Atlanta. They are both left handed, very athletic and have a cannon for an arm. The difference in the two QB’s is the guy in Philadelphia has all of the same physical abilities, but is becoming a good (and dare I say, great) pocket passer. If he plays the same way next Sunday against the Redskins, like he did against the Jaguars, the Redskins will get blown out. Next Sunday is a winnable game, but we are going to have to play a lot better than this past Sunday. Oh by the way, the young man playing Quarterback for Philadelphia is named Michael Vick. I think he going to be good. What do you think?

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