Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Redskins Ram St. Louis

Washington looked dominant in the first half of the game Sunday leading 14-0 at the Half.  But the Rams fought back to make the game interesting.  Rex Grossman looked dicey and at times made me want to strangle him.  Ryan Torain comes off of the bench and provided a steady running attack.  In the end, the Rams drop to 0-4, while the Redskins go into the Bye Week 3-1.  There are still a lot of questions to be answered, but the Redskins are in 1st in the NFC East.  Some experts had the Redskins finishing 3-13 this season.  One more win and they are going to look foolish.  But let’s not get too far ahead people.  There are 12 games left and a lot can happen.

As I watched the game Sunday, my most dominant thought was, “Wow, who is the 2nd year QB again, Rex Grossman or Sam Bradford?”  Bradford could be excused for his numbers.  Not only did Bradford have about 5 dropped passes, but he was sacked seven times.  Between Lance Kendricks, Brandon Gibson and Mike Sims-Walker, poor Sam Bradford is going to be bald by the end of the season.  The only thing that Bradford can do at this point is walk the ball down field and hand it to his WRs.  I will give Lance Kendricks some slack as he is a Rookie and very talented.  Brandon Gibson and Mike Sims-Walker both have no excuse.  They are way too talented and have played better, for me to allow them to have games like they did Sunday and let it go.  One of two things are going to happen.  Either Sims-Walker is going to be traded/released or Sam Bradford is going to request a trade.  Something tells me that Sims-Walker will be the first to go.  But Washington doesn’t have that much room to talk.

Even at 3-1, Washington still has cause for concern.  Rex Grossman almost gave the game away Sunday with two, almost costly, INTs.  If Grossman doesn’t perform better, Washington will have big problems down the stretch.  I try to lay off of him because I have been a fan of his since his days of playing ball in college at Florida.  But at this point of his career, he needs to make better decisions.  Listen, a ball that gets tipped in the air I may let slide, but trying to force passes into coverage makes me want to lodge my foot in his ass.  Rex can play better than he has.  And he needs to get it straight, because the games are going to get harder.  Washington still has to play Philadelphia twice, the Giants, Cowboys, Patriots, Jets and Bills down the stretch.  Even the game against the San Francisco 49ers scare me because their Defense is very good.  But there was one bright spot Sunday and it was no surprise. 

Ryan Torain came off of the bench Sunday and lit it up.  It really isn’t a surprise as we have seen Torain do that time and time again when he is healthy.  What was a surprise was why it took so long for Torain to get on the field.  I understand that the Redskins spent money to get Tim Hightower so there is almost an obligation to play him.  But when you have Torain come in the game and put up 135 yards Rushing on 19 carries and a TD, you have to go re-evaluate your RB situation.  I predict that Tim Hightower will be the 3rd RB on the Depth Chart by the end of season.  Why?  Torain had at least 3 rushes over 20 yards.  Nuff said!!!  Now we need some consistency in the passing game and Washington could make a push for the Playoffs.  Because with that Defense, they are going to have a chance to win a lot of games this year.  Now the only question is, which Rex Grossman show up.  Will the real Rex Grossman please stand up.

This weeks game ball goes to Ryan Torain.  Good game All-Torain!!!

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