Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cowboys Edge Redskins

Dallas had a few people hurt or injured (yes there is a difference, you can play hurt, you can’t play injured).  Everything was set up for the Redskins to go to Dallas and blow out the Cowboys.  The Cowboys didn’t have a chance to win that game Monday night.  And then reality set in.  Even with my man Miles Austin hurt and Romo playing with what was essentially a bulletproof vest on, Dallas managed to get six FGs and edge the Redskins 18-16.  If am a Cowboys fans, I am happy with that win, because you did it with a few key injuries.  If I am a Redskins fan, I am very disappointed in that performance because you had a very winnable game in your reach on National TV and you lay an egg.  But hey, most people had the Redskins going 3-13, so being 2-1 right now ain’t too bad.

Washington’s Defense looked very good Monday night.  And to be honest with you, I think that game was a Classic.  I had to watch it twice.  Tony Romo did what he had to do, when he had to do it.  I’ve said it time and time again, Tony Romo is a good QB.  But most people want him to be a great QB.  Maybe greatness isn’t in him, but being good can win you a Super Bowl.  Don’t believe me, just ask Drew Brees or Trent Dilfer.   And the young WR in Dallas hasn’t even scratched the surface of his talent potential.  Dez Bryant is a Prime Time Player.  Just imagine what that young man is going to do once he figures out how to play his position.  He’s going to look like Calvin Johnson.  Bryant made a play when the Cowboys needed him to make one.  On 3rd and 20 with the game in the balance.  I could make the argument that Jim Haslett is a jackass for going all out Blitz with no Safety help knowing that a long pass was coming.  I mean the Redskins were hitting Romo, but they weren’t getting sacks.  So why go for an all out Blitz in that position?  Sorry Coach Haslett very bad call.  I just hope that the Redskins can bounce back.

See this is a short work week.  Washington has to go to St. Louis to take on the Rams, a team that has been a thorn in the Redskins’ ass for the past few years.   Just like the Lions, the Rams have a way of exposing all of the good teams’ weaknesses.  Washington’s glaring hole is at CB.  Say what you will about Carlos Rogers, but I have not seen him get beat in Press Coverage.  In my opinion, Rogers is one of the best Press Cover CBs in the NFL.  With him on the Redskins, DeAngelo Hall can play the other team’s #1 and #2 WRs on and off the entire game.  That in essence, frees up Hall to be the ball hawk that he is. Rogers gives you flexibility.  I’ll bet that the Redskins are kicking themselves for letting Rogers get away.  He definitely would have made a difference.  But I am not going to take away from Dallas’ win.  It is what it is.

Dallas has a nice young talented team that still has some growing to do.  Imagine if Miles Austin, Brady James and Mike Jenkins were all healthy.  The game may not have been that close.  Even with the young WRs frustrating the hell out of Romo, he still got enough out of them to get the win.  Romo earned more of my respect Monday night.  People say that he’s not a leader.  Sure as hell looked like he was Monday night, directing the young players and coaching all night.  People say that he's not tough.  Sure as hell looked like it Monday night playing with cracked ribs and a punctured, and possible, collapsed lung.  Some people say that he chokes at clutch time.  Sure as hell looked like he was clutch Monday night moving the ball on Dallas’ last two possessions and getting points when the Cowboys needed them.  Tony Romo is the reason why Dallas won Monday night and his teammates and all of the Cowboys fans should be proud of him.  Hell, to a man, I am and I have no shame admitting it.

I will give credit when credit is due.  Romo won the game and might have just saved the Cowboys’ season.  As for Washington, the will have their hands full against a very talented, but young Rams team.  But when it’s all said and done   In a very ugly contest I expect Washington to win but a FG.  I just hope our Offense can put more points on the board.

This week’s game ball goes to Tony Romo for a gutty performance. 

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